Kentucky Bluegrass

Poa pratensis L.

by Kyle Nieuwsma



Throughout North America, Kentucky Bluegrass is widly used as lawn and golf course grasses. Kentucky Bluegrass is a perennial, cool season grass. For this reason, it is popular in our area. Another reason is is so popular is because it has the ability to go dormant in severe situations. Kentucky Bluegrass grows best in a soil with pH in between 6 and 7. It has a shallow root system and can grow up to 18-24 inches tall. It's color can range from bright green to deep blueish green. Kentucky Bluegrass is the most famous and popular of all the Bluegrasses.









Kentucky Bluegrass is native to all of Europe and northern Asia. It is not native to North America. Early colonists brought it over from Europe. There are over 100 varieties of Kentucky Bluegrass which have been developed in the last 25 years.






Sources of Reference